You may want to place restrictions on buyers or users when placing Purchase Orders. These are called thresholds that can be applied to the total dollar value of the PO or the PPV value of the PO lines (by value or percentage). These apply on the PQuote workflow, and prevent users from converting a PQuote to a PO.

Heres how to set up each one.

First, to set up dollar amount threshold:

  • First, theres a global config setting. PQuote_Approval_Anyone_if_Under_Value
    • This sets the baseline dollar threshold. Any user (with purchasing permissions) can create a PO if it is under this dollar value.
  • You can also set a PQuote Approval Threshold per user.
    • Navigate to a user profile. You will see the field PQuote Approval Threshold. You can set a specific dollar amount and that user will be able to approve PQuotes up to that dollar amount.
    • This would be how you set up multiple tiers of thresholds (buyer vs manager vs director vs c-suite employee).
  • It is important to note: the PQuote Approval role allows you to approve all PQuotes regardless of your PQuote Approval Threshold. This is controlled by Can Approve PQuotes a security by role which allows anyone with those roles to approve PQuotes regardless of their PQuote Approval Threshold. Users with a threshold limit should not have this role permission. If you set up a PQuote Approval Threshold be sure the user doesnt have PQuote Approval as a role as that will not work correctly.

Heres how you will see this apply on the PQuote workflow:

  • When a PQuote gets created that is over the users PQuote Approval Threshold they will only be able to submit for approval in the workflow.
  • If its under the users PQuote Approval Threshold they will be able to approve it themselves.

Then, there is the ability to set up a threshold for PPV (price point variance) or LBV (last buy variance):

  • You can set the config setting pquote_approval_ppv_threshold. You can set a dollar amount as an integer or with a percentage, which will allow any PQuotes under that value to be automatically approved. Then, PQuotes under that PPV value or percentage (both are tracked on the PQuote lines) will prevent the ability to enter a PO.
  • Alternatively, you can set this up against the Last Buy Variance with the config setting pquote_approval_lbv_threshold. This can also be a percentage or dollar amount.


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