PRC codes are product category identifiers to help you define your parts, segment your inventory, and drive reporting by category type.

  • How do you create a new PRC code in Cetec?
  • The first step is to open Cetec ERP and click Parts> Lists> PRC List.
  • Click Create PRC.
  • Type in your new 3-letter PRC code and click Create.
  • On this pop-up screen, you can enter more information about your new PRC code, like its default vendor (if applicable), its Revenue G/L Account, shipping/packing instructions, etc.
  • When you are done entering information, click Update.
  • To see a list of all of your PRC codes, go to Parts > Lists, and click PRC List.
  • The PRC list report shows you valuable information, like the number of parts to which each PRC code is assigned and the value of those parts.
  • The PRC you just created has been added to the list. Let’s see this new PRC code in action. Let’s say you want to create a new part. Go to Parts > Lists> Part List.
  • Click Create New.
  • Now you can see that our new PRC code is available to assign to a new part.


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