- To create a CAR in Cetec, navigate to Production»Quality»Car List»Create if you want to create a CAR from scratch.
- CARs may be generated from and attached to existing NCRs in the Material Review Board (MRB) state in the Management state of the NCR workflow.
- To create a CAR associated with an NCR, scroll down to the CAR section of the page.
- Choose the CAR type, then click “Update.”
- This takes you to the CAR edit screen. On the left side menu, you can attach documents, notes, and see the history of the CAR.
- On the edit screen, fill in the appropriate information for this CAR, then click “Update.”
- The root cause analysis may only be edited in State 1 (Creation) of the CAR process.
- You can add an additional issue, why it happened, why it escaped, a root cause, and sub-causes on this screen.
- If you would like to add options to the root cause drop-down menu, click “edit,” and you will be directed to the CAR Root Cause Type data maintenance table.
- Back on the CAR screen, you’ll notice that any associated NCRs are linked at the bottom of the page.
- You can attach additional NCRs here, then click “Update” to save.
- At any point during the CAR filing and routing process, the report may be downloaded (into a zip file or a PDF), printed out on paper, or deleted.
- Next step: send the CAR to the Review state, then click “To Review.”
- In this state, the assigned user reviews existing CAR information and determines what corrective or preventive action to employ to address the non-conformance issue.
- To do so, scroll down the page to the “Actions Taken” section, then choose the type of action from the dropdown menu.
- Side Note: If you want to add action types to the dropdown menu, navigate to Admin»Maintenance»Data Maintenance»“CARActionType”
- Next, give the action a name, then assign the action to an internal user, vendor, or a customer.
- Then select the specific user, as well as the date the action is assigned, and enter a description for this action.
- To save your entries, click “Add Action.”
- Once the action has been performed, you can then add a completion date. Click “Update” to save changes.
- Lastly, move the workflow stage to “Validation.”