How To Adjust Basic Formatting On A/P Check Templates

  • To update the Bank account # and routing # on your checks:
    • Navigate to Accounting » Chart/Ledger, Account List, and select your checking account by clicking on the account number on the far left column.
    • You’ll find the bank account # and routing # there.
    • Edit the information as you please, and click ‘Update’ upon completion
  • To update the company name and address on the check:
    • Head to Admin » Config Settings, search for term “check_address_override” and type in the full company name and address.
  • To adjust the “For __” memo line, type in memo text in the “For __” memo line in the check preview interface, then click submit.

  • For any other formatting to the check PDF, contact a Cetec ERP support representative ([email protected]) or:
    • Head to Admin » Config Settings » Custom Documents
    • Find the check PDF document, download it, adjust the HTML/CSS/Javascript, and re-upload (basic web programming knowledge required).


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