

A controlled document is a revision-sensitive record that is actively maintained and updated, bearing formal approval and traceable distribution throughout a company. In Cetec, controlled documents are attached to the business processes which you create, label, and assign.

When a document is revised, Cetec ERP ensures that only the latest version of the controlled document is in circulation. This assures that the documentation that employees are using is up-to-date. Cetec also stores the user responsible for a change and its date to the document revision history. To see revision history of a document, select Revisions on the far right column of a documents list.


Cetec ERP recommends setting up five basic processes (General Documents, HR Policies, ISO Documents, Safety Documents, and Vendor Documents) to help kick off setting up your ISO compliant document management system. Each of these processes work as the loci for document control, revision control, and workflow approvals. To achieve document control, attach a “child” document to a “parent” process. Once inside a Process, you can upload new documents, add or delete revisions, edit document workflow status, submit documents for approval, and use other document control related functions.


Clicking on a process will show all documents associated with the respective process.


How to upload a document

  • Choose a file to upload from your computer.

  • Name the file, or leave blank to use filename.

  • Add tags (use ‘tab’ or use a comma to assign the tag). Tags will make documents easily searchable in the future.


How to download a document

  • Choose the file from the document list that you would like to download.

  • Select the Download link in the second column from the left.


Documents listed within a process are always the latest version in circulation. The documents list view also contains the user responsible and the date for the upload. To view past revisions of the document, select the Revisions link on the far right column.


Keeping your documents current: Within a process, select the Revisions link on the far right column of the documents table, upload a new revision by selecting Choose File, then Submit at the very bottom of the drop-down menu; or delete revisions by clicking the red X to the far right.


Revision control displays document status: either “active” or “pending.” Clicking on the Status link will bring you to the document object, where you can request approval, grant approval, and route the document through the document workflow process. Note: If you are an Admin user, all documents you upload will bypass the workflow process and be counted as active. For more information on the document workflow process, click here.

If you want to view a document workflow and approval history, select the History tab on the left sidebar. This table will give a comprehensive view of a documents previous workflow states, assignments, user actions, action start times, action end times, quantities of time in state, etc.)


Document Approval Requirements, Roles, and Restrictions:

  • By default, any document uploaded anywhere, to any object, will load in as “inactive” and pending approval through the document workflow process, UNLESS the user doing the uploading of the document is a privileged user.

  • What qualifies as a privileged user, so that the documents you upload automatically go in as approved, without requiring a manual workflow-based approval? You must be assigned one of either three user roles: Admin, Manager, or Doc Control.

  • Thus, whether a document uploaded to the system is auto-approved and active versus requiring manual approval hinges on user role assignments. On the other hand, which users are able to approve a pending/inactive document is based on Workflow Assignment maintenance. In other words, in order to be able to “Approve” a document via the Document Workflow, the user must be included in the Approve stage of the Document Workflow via the Admin » Workflow Maintenance screen.

How To Approve A Document:

  • If you are in charge of document approval, the system will send out a notification email to you every time document approval is requested.

  • Go to Documents » Docs Pending Approval. Following the links here will take you to the document object. Hover over the workflow at the top-right for that document. Here you can review the document, view revisions and revision history, send the document back for review/revision, delete the document, or stamp the document as approved in the system.


Navigate to Operations » Documents List to access the repository for all documents in the system.


From the document list you can search for specific documents by filling out the parameters such as the document name, creation date, status, or tags.


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