How To Attach Pictures/Videos to a Labor Plan

Ever wanted to link images or videos to your labor plan? Cetec ERP has an easy process to let you do just that.

First, you’ll need to change a configuration setting. This configuration setting normally will not allow you to upload potentially dangerous links. However, this would in effect prevent most images and videos from going up. Go to Admin, then drop down Config Settings, select Config Settings. And change the config “ allow_unsafe_tags “to a value of 1.

After you have altered the config setting, go to Admin, select the tab Docs, and select Processes from the dropdown menu. Once in Processes, click on “create new” and name the object folder whatever you would like.


Once you have created the process object, you can then upload videos and images. When you upload an image or video, you must then click on the “yes” link that is listed in the “ID” column. This will take you to another page, which will allow you to set the privacy settings of the image to public. This step must be done.


Then you can copy the link and use it on the labor plan with the “upload image” tool to add the video or image to the labor plan.
