Accidents Happen. Does Your ERP Make it Easy to Correct Them?

As much as it may pain us to say it, we are all human, and humans make mistakes. However, an agile, robust ERP system will provide a multitude of tools that you may put to use so as to avoid the possibility of human error in a variety of circumstances (think: required inspection checks, three-way match validation on voucher approval, automatic PO generation for drop ship orders, detailed scheduling & production visibility, etc.).

While certain features may curtail the instance of human error, no system (used by humans!) can fully eliminate it. That being said, the obvious follow-up question to ask when evaluating ERP systems is, how easy is it to remedy a mix up that has slipped through the cracks?

Spilled milk.


Cetec ERP provides an easy way out of common hiccups that may present themselves in your manufacturing processes. Below are some questions our customer support team has received from real users, along with simple directives for how to reconcile the errors. Can you imagine yourself in any of these predicaments?

1. I accidentally invoiced something I shouldn’t have. What should I do?

You would need to consider the following situations and address these issues. 1) adjust material cost on the invoice to be what they think it should be. 2) unpick what is still picked that shouldn’t be 3) reduce the qty on the material that wasn’t relieved correctly. 4) zero out the ledger entries for their material reductions

2. What should I do when I accidentally receive an Invoice that was linked to an internal order?

This can be easily fixed. Simply follow these steps: 1) Reopen the PO 2) Inventory adjust down the dup receipt 3) If there is a ledger entry for the PO receipt, set the values to 0 4) If there is a ledger entry for the inventory adjustment to cancel the receipt, set the values to 0 5) Invoice the order 6) If the goods were consumed/shipped, get correct cost from the PO and fix the cost on any related invoices.

3. How can a failed cycle count update be fixed?

Correcting quantities on a failed cycle count update can be done as an inventory adjustment. The cycle count can be closed even if parts were not updated. To prevent failed cycle counts, ensure that a part is not scheduled for a cycle count prior to a put away, and avoid moving bins for parts that are in a cycle count.

4. I have invoiced an order while one of my users was still logged into a job tracking labor! How do I fix it?

In this case, the system will not force block invoicing. Instead it alerts the user attempting the invoice—excellent visibility! This action is done intentionally - imagine a rush shipment that needs to leave your warehouse, but some user did not log off the job. To adjust labor time after invoice, do so via View Work report. To adjust labor cost after invoice, do so via invoice edit screen (labor cost field).

For perfect people, it’s hard to imagine ever having to ask anything like that! But for the rest of us, it may come in handy to run a business on an ERP platform that provides not only proactive management of human error, but also reactive when the inevitable occurs.

Two things to consider when evaluating an ERP system are 1: how well does the system minimize the possibility of human error, and 2: how well does the system allow you to correct human error. Cetec ERP provides user-friendly navigation to both minimize AND correct mistakes.